Aaron Closs

I grew up in the boreal forest of Saskatchewan, Canada in the Sturgeon River valley. It was here that I developed a strong affinity for the natural environment and a love for the outdoors. My fascination with photographing this natural world, however, did not come until later in life. It wasn’t until I relocated to Canmore, Alberta in 2016 that the Rocky Mountains nurtured an obsession for documenting the Canadian wilderness through the lens of my camera. But I wanted to develop my skills in visual media further, so I enrolled at the PrarieView School of Photography in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It was here that I discovered a new love, video. Video brought my photography subjects to life in an entirely new way, enabling me to tell the stories of local artists, businesses, couples starting a life together, and Mother Nature not only through thought-provoking images but also through sound and motion.